
The industry working groups, ENAs Safety, Health and Environment Committee, along with the Powering Improvement Strategy Steering Group, the Powering Improvement Culture Subgroup and Champion (Chris Burchell, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Distribution), are responsible for setting out the priorities for this theme and managing the implementation of the 2022-2023 Delivery Plan available below.


Publications View All Documents

Throughout the year ENA produce a variety of Powering Improvement publications showcasing the strategy as well as each annual theme. These publications are useful tools for the industry, the ENA team are happy to send you hard copies should you require them, visit the Contact Us page.

img Delivery Plan - 2022-2023 - Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture June 2022 Download

Resources View All Documents

Spreading the word about Powering Improvement is an important part of helping to ensure that the whole industry can improve in this area of work. So to help colleagues talk about this effectively we’ll be providing materials to aid with presentations and discussions over the course of the strategy.

img Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture - Outputs July 2024 Download
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