PI Asset Management NIE Workshop

Another successful Asset Management Workshop took place on the 19 March 2015, the workshop was held by Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) at the Hilton Templepatrick Hotel in Belfast. Around 30 NIE colleagues from a variety of backgrounds attended on the day. This included Directors, Managers, Engineers, Health and Safety represenatives, Trade Union representativesas well as Contractors. The focus of the  Workshop was on the Chelmsford Tap Changer case study developed from the tragic event which occurred in 2008, and Corporate Memory issues arising from the Barr Head incident in 1997.

The worskhop also allowed for discussions on other issues concerning both Asset Management and Corporate Memory. Speakers and facilitators on the day included: Roger Henderson (Operations Director, NIE), Peter McCormick (Powering Improvement Coordinator, ENA), John Steed (HM Principal Specialist Electrical Inspector, HSE), Rory Lynch (Prospect Representative, NIE), Mike Leppard (SHE Adviser, ENA) and Jamie Reeve (SHE Adviser, ENA). There were breakout sessions carried out during the day to allow attendees to discuss ideas on Process, Plant, People and Recovery in relation to Asset Management. 

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