PI Managing Occupational Ill Health Risks Industry Workshop
Energy Networks Association (ENA) hosted a workshop in London on the 19th October 2016 as part of the 2016 Theme of ‘Managing Occupational Health Risks’. The workshop was attended by around 40 industry people from ENA & Energy UK Member Companies, Trade Unions (Prospect, Unite, Unison and GMB) and the HSE. There were a number of presentations given at the workshop including Deborah Jamieson (Department for Work and Pensions), Geoff Earl (Director of SHE at Northern Powergrid and the 2016 PI Champion), Anna Rowland (National Grid), Stephanie Schreiber (Business In The Community), Geoff Cox (Health and Safety Executive) and Dr Greg Irons (Occupational Health Advisory Group). Please click here to view a report following the event.