A safe, healthy and competent workforce is good for individuals and good for business

Vision: Powering Improvement will support the UK electricity industry in its drive to have no life changing injuries (zero RIDDOR reportable) or major incidents and to have an engaged and healthier workforce by 2025. 

ENA Member companies will continue to work together in partnership with Trade Unions and HSE to ensure the electricity networks sector has a realistic and inclusive approach to health and safety at work. Powering Improvement is intended to provide a focus and line of sight between the electricity sector interventions to deliver a sustained improvement in health and safety performance and the framework set out in the HSE strategy.

Throughout the third phase from 2020-2025, we will maintain a focus on managing our priority risks, that include for example <

2020 - 2025

Following on from the second successful phase of Powering Improvement ‘2015-2020’, the third iteration of the Electricity Industries Health and S


2015 - 2020

Following on from the first successful phase of Powering Improvement ‘2010-2015’, the second phase of Powering Improvement ‘2015-2020’


2010 - 2015

Clear definition of senior management roles and responsibilities is required leading to the integration of health and safety into management decisions.


Latest Announcement

As part of ENA’s powering improvement programme, we are hosting a free webinar on 27th June.
The webinar w

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